Google Gadget Ads-Google Ads "mini-sites" Runner for Publisher Websites

In September 19 [4 days ago], Google has launch Google Gadget Ads, that is a customized "mini-sites" that run as ads on AdSense publisher websites. Google claimed that those ads are interactive, engaging, and simultaneously providing value to advertisers while getting visitors to stick around your site. By apply this gadget, the advertisers get more engaged users, users have a richer ad experience, and publishers opted in to image ads may see increased competition for their ad space.

Below is what does a gadget ad look like that Google Gadet Ads has built to advertise their AdSense program.

Gadget ads can take a number of shapes, sizes, and formats. If you're interested in seeing other cool gadget ads, you can check out the Google Gadget Ad Center. The ads must adhere to our editorial policies, so there won't be any distracting "punch the monkey" ads.

Ready to start displaying gadget ads on your website? While there's no guarantee that they'll appear on your site, you can increase the chances that they'll be shown by making sure you're opted in to image ads and using one of the image ad formats. Please note that the most popular sizes for gadget ads are the rectangle, leaderboard, and skyscraper formats.

Also, keep in mind that there are a few things advertisers look for when targeting their ads to specific sites.

Got questions about gadget ads? Check out Google's Help Center.


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