What Is A Sub ID of American Consumer Opinion® And How Do I Use It?

What Is A Sub ID And How Do I Use It?

A Sub ID can help you determine which American Consumer Opinion® advertising placements generate the most number of referrals for you. For example, you could track how well a banner ad on your home page performs versus a banner ad located on your links page. You could compare the performance of text or banner ads placed in a newsletter to the performance of banners on your website. If you implement Sub IDs when you view your “Earnings Report,” you will see the number of referrals delivered by each Sub ID.

You do not need to link any or all of your American Consumer Opinion® placements by Sub IDs. The use or nonuse of Sub IDs will not alter the performance of your existing American Consumer Opinion® advertising banner or text link placements. We will continue to track the referrals from your advertising placements as usual.

Using Sub IDs may, however, allow you to increase the number of referrals you receive each month from your affiliate link(s) because Sub IDs will tell you which links are performing the best; thus, helping you know where to make changes or direct the majority of your recruiting efforts. Additionally you may choose to have some of your advertising placements linked to Sub IDs and some not; it’s up to you on which advertising placements you want to monitor more closely.

An example:

Say you have two American Consumer Opinion® promotional banners on your home page, one on the top of your home page and one on the bottom of your home page. Follow these easy steps to create Sub ID links:

  1. Go to Affiliate Login.
  2. Click on the “Sub IDs” tab found on the left-side vertical navigation menu.
  3. Click on “Add New Sub ID.”
  4. Enter a “Sub ID Name.” (You name your Sub ID.)
  5. Enter a “Description” for your Sub ID. (This will allow you to describe the placement you have chosen to track more closely.)
  6. Click on “Add New Sub ID.”
  7. Click on “Click here to create a link with your new Sub ID.”
  8. You will be taken to the “Build A Link” page and there you will create a link as usual.
  9. Just update the current top and bottom of your web page banner placements with the new link code by deleting your old code and copying and pasting your new link into your website HTML code (as in this case but it could be an HTML newsletter, or a hyperlink in a text-based email newsletter).

When picking up new banners or text messages, you will be asked during the “Build A Link” process if you would like to create a Sub ID for your new link. You will follow the same process as discussed previously.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact American Consumer Opinion® Affiliate Manager.

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