Yahoo! Affiliate Program

Welcome and Join to Yahoo! Affiliate Marketing Program.

Below is a recap of the properties included in the Yahoo! Affiliate Program.

Yahoo! Personals - New Subscription
Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Free Trial
Yahoo! Autos - New Car Lead
Yahoo! Games - Completed Purchase Download
Yahoo! Web Hosting - Business Web Hosting Solution purchase $60
Yahoo! Domains – Completed domain purchase $2.50
Yahoo! Custom Mailbox - Yahoo! Custom Mailbox purchase $5.00
Yahoo! Business Mail - Yahoo! Business Mailbox purchase $10.00
Yahoo! Merchant Solutions - Completed purchase $90.00
Yahoo! HotJobs Lead - New resume submitted $1.00
Yahoo! HotJobs Sale - New job listing submitted 20%
Yahoo! HotJobs Application - Customer completes Job Application on HotJobs site $0.50
Yahoo! Music Jukebox Plus - Customer purchases Jukebox Plus $7.00
Yahoo! Search Marketing - Self Serve Signup - Customer signs up for new Self Serve Account $30.00
Yahoo! Search Marketing - Assisted Setup Signup - Customer signs up for new Assisted Setup Account $30.00
Yahoo! Mail Plus - User purchases a Yahoo! Mail Plus account $10.00

As you increase your monthly subscriptions, you'll be eliegible to earn even MORE with Yahoo!. Feel free to contact the Yahoo! Affiliate Team to find out more about our performance tiers.

To view our entire selection of links, CLICK HERE.

Remember, Yahoo! Affiliate Program is limited-country applicable. But, it will give look forward to a long and successful relationship with you.

Join the Yahoo! Affiliate Program

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