Online Video And Small Business

Online video remains popular according to a new survey from the Kelsey Group. The survey revealed that 59 percent of consumers had watched video online and more that half had engaged in a response activity such as visiting a Web site or making a purchase.

The report, "Online Video: A New Local Advertising Paradigm" says that YouTube has been a major force in bringing online video to mainstream audiences.

"YouTube has largely popularized the concept of watching short videos on a computer screen and has likewise familiarized consumers with the idea of watching short video ads," said the report's author, Michael Boland, Kelsey Group senior analyst.

"A wide range of business models are coming to market in the hopes of tapping into the growing demand for video. We are in a 'wild west' phase of experimentation on all fronts -- content generation, licensing, search and monetization."

The report mentions that production companies can produce and distribute video ads for small businesses at lower prices that traditional advertising. It goes on to point out that video may be easier for small businesses to understand compared to some performance-based marketing.

The Kelsey Group says that video can potentially be easier to integrate to a cross-platform bundle.

Research for the study was conducted through an online survey of 501 adult consumers.

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