Perfect Wealth Formula - Scam or Opportunity?

By Phil Brown

Phil recently added the Perfect Wealth Formula as one of his many income streams. Jason Pearson is CEO and Creator of this program, with whom Phil has had many conversations. At present, the Perfect Wealth Formula is in pre-launch for $697. The launch date will be June 5, 2007.

All affiliates after the official launch will be upgraded for free to the $1697 level. If you are sitting on the fence about joining Phil’s team, he highly recommends signing-up before June 5, 2007, or will pay the additional fee for upgrading.

The Perfect Wealth Formula comes complete with comprehensive training videos on internet marketing as well as Jason's products. If you are looking for a program that is easy to sell and newbie friendly, this one is really taking off. One of its most attractive features for people who don't like to sell is the option to turn over all of the selling activity to its team of highly trained sales agents. Since the vast majority of network marketers lack motivation and skills in selling, this unique option obviously eliminates one of their main roadblocks to success

The payout structure allows members to earn immediate cash flow while building residual income. There is no passing up sales to any of the sponsors, plus members earn bonus overrides from their second level sub-affiliates to infinity. The Perfect Wealth Formula offers two entry levels. By joining at the top $1697 level, members can earn $400 to $1,000 on every direct sales, plus $100 to $200 bonus overrides from the second tier.

This business has all those other programs out there talking to themselves. I’m saying this because the Perfect Wealth Formula is the place to be whether you’re new to internet marketing or an internet marketing expert. The days of passing up sales are over and the competitors are beginning to feel the effect. With the advent of this revolutionary new hybrid marketing model, other internet marketing systems, such as EDC Gold, Pass Port to Wealth, Global Resorts Network, and Coastal Vacations are at a serious disadvantage.

Phil Brown is a member of the top Perfect Wealth Formula Team, who has developed exclusive team support so the second tier affiliates make money quickly. We offer pre-made lead capture pages, auto-responder series, step-by-step videos, flash presentations, and more!

For more information, call me (800) 990-2024. Leave your name and number at the end of the recorded audio message.

Better yet get comprehensive information by visiting the website.

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